

A banner with the U.S. Capitol on a teal background with the words, “AFL-CIO Legislative Scorecard” overlaid.

A lot of politicians in Washington, D.C., talk a big game about supporting the labor movement and backing policies that help working families.

But how do they vote?

Each year, the policy experts here at the AFL-CIO tally up all the votes that your U.S. House and Senate members took in Congress the previous year and then we release our AFL-CIO Legislative Scorecard—the definitive grade of whether your representative voted to protect or take away your rights.

Today, we released our new AFL-CIO Legislative Scorecard. How did your representative vote in 2023?

Approval ratings for Congress are at an all-time low, but support for unions is at one of the highest levels it’s been in decades, especially among young workers. Workers want to join unions to make our lives better—and we want leaders on Capitol Hill who will have our backs when we do.

The best way to protect our right to join a union is to hold our representatives accountable for the votes they take to protect existing labor laws or strengthen them. And on issue after issue—from workers’ rights to health care to education and even democracy itself—we need leaders who walk the walk to help America’s workers and our families.

Whether you approve or disapprove of your elected official’s record, please help us spread the word to your colleagues, friends and neighbors.

We hope our AFL-CIO Legislative Scorecard will equip you with the facts to demand leaders in Washington, D.C., who will fight for you, and all our working families.

Thank you for helping to protect workers’ fundamental rights.

In Solidarity,